Witness the end of the groundbreaking series. The final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars starts streaming Feb. 21 on DisneyPlus.
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This episode brought me back to 2008. Never have I ever felt so giddy waiting for an episode of a series to drop, and never has said episode delivered as much as this one did. The first part of a feature-length send-off, I am deeply satisfied with the symmetry this provides for the phenomenal series. It's crazy to think back to 2014 when such a conclusion was not on the cards. Suffice it to say, this is an arc that will not disappoint, and could potentially go down as the greatest piece of Star Wars animated content in history.
Let's begin with the first revision of the chronology from back in 2014:
Crystal Crisis on Utapau
Bad Batch
Dark Disciple (I)
Son of Dathomir
Dark Disciple (II)
Marg Krim was never explicitly stated to be deceased in the Dark Disciple novel, however it was implied with Fife as the face of the Pyke Syndicate during the Son of Dathomir comics. His living status during the "Ahsoka's Journey" arc could be considered a retcon, but I don't believe it to be one too hard to accept. Factoring in Maul's transmission from Mandalore in "Together Again", no longer in his cell on Stygeon Prime, debate on whether "Ahsoka's Journey" takes place before or after Son of Dathomir is over: Son of Dathomir must occur first. I don't think it's out of the question for Maul to regain control over the Pyke Syndicate sometime before "Ahsoka's Journey".
Due to the erasure of the "Return to the Jedi" arc, wherein Ahsoka explored the Sith Temple below Coruscant, it's clear that the original ending of "Ahsoka's Journey", whatever that was, as well as the entirety of the arc, was rewritten in order to specifically lead into "The Siege of Mandlore" arc.
Further, the "Bad Batch" arc was initially placed between the "Crystal Crisis on Utapau" arc and the first Dark Disciple arc, but the StarWars.com Episode Guide for "Deal No Deal" has shifted the arc's place in the timeline, placing it after "Ahsoka's Journey", which we have previously established must take place after Son of Dathomir and, by extension, Dark Disciple.
With this in mind, I believe the revised order must be:
Crystal Crisis on Utapau
Dark Disciple (I)
Son of Dathomir
Dark Disciple (II)
Ahsoka's Journey
Bad Batch
The Siege of Mandlore
Witness the end of the groundbreaking series. The final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars starts streaming Feb. 21 on DisneyPlus.