The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
This article/section of the article contains information that was not presented in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. This subject appeared only in Clone Wars-related media and is, therefore, considered part of the Star Wars Legends continuity. Editor discretion is advised.

Anchor Blue was a fierce Houk gladiator who fought at the Cauldron against other gladiators on the Outer Rim planet Rattatak. He did not rely solely on his natural size and strength, however. Anchor Blue's Rattataki patron installed a device in the base of the Houk's vibroblade. At a touch from a remote control, an electrical pulse would send pain through Blue's body. While in the arena, pain-induced rage made him a deadly fighter. Another setting would pump sedatives into Blue's bloodstream, calming him. Blue eventually became addicted to those sedatives, which allowed his patron total control over the gladiator. He was eventually killed by Asajj Ventress.

