Ben Diskin is an actor who portrayed Krismo Sodi, a Guard, Otua Blank, Morley, WAC-47, AZI-3, and Governor Blom in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He reprises his role as AZI-3 in Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]
- "Bounty" (Krismo Sodi / Guard / Otua Blank)
- "Brothers" (Morley)
- "Secret Weapons" (WAC-47)
- "A Sunny Day in the Void" (WAC-47)
- "Missing in Action" (WAC-47)
- "Point of No Return" (WAC-47)
- "Conspiracy" (AZI-3)
- "Fugitive" (AZI-3)
- "A Death on Utapau" (Governor Blom)
- "Crystal Crisis" (Governor Blom)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch[]
- "Aftermath" (AZI-3)
- "Replacements" (AZI-3)
- "Return to Kamino" (AZI-3)
- "Kamino Lost" (AZI-3)