Fixer, also known as RC-1140 or Delta-40, served as a clone commando during the Clone Wars in Delta Squad. He was known to be the slicer as well as the second-in-command of his squad. He also preferred to call his teammates by their numbers instead of their nicknames.
Fixer wore thick-armored clone commando gear that was colored green. He wore a large pack on his back and carried a DC-17m Repeating Blaster Rifle attachment. Fixer also had extensive training in hacking computer consoles and slicing vehicles.
Witches of the Mist[]
Upon their return to the Temple from a search for survivors on Devaron, Fixer unloaded coffins containing the bodies of Jedi Master Halsey and padawan Knox as Boss gave the Jedi his report.
- "Witches of the Mist" (First appearance)