The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars

"He's a very dangerous one, well-known in the Underworld."
Jedi Master Tera Sinube[src]

Nack Movers was a male Trandoshan assassin during the Clone Wars.


Nack family

Nack Movers with his girlfriend, Ione Marcy & Cassie Cryar.

Nack Movers was the boyfriend of Ione Marcy. He was a famous assassin during the Clone Wars and one day he bought a lightsaber from Bannamu (who stole the lightsaber from Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano). But Ione Marcy and her accomplice Cassie Cryar wanted the lightsaber so they murdered Movers and they took the lightsaber. Later Ahsoka Tano with Jedi Master Tera Sinube came in and they saw the dead body. Later Marcy and Cryar were arrested.

