Witches and Monsters, also known as The Nightsisters Trilogy, is the fifth arc of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It is the eighteenth arc of the series overall. It consists of three episodes. It debuted with "Nightsisters" on January 7, 2011 on Cartoon Network, and concluded with "Witches of the Mist" on January 21, 2011. The arc is about Asajj Ventress getting revenge on Dooku after the Sith leaves her for dead.
When Count Dooku calls upon the Nightsisters seeking a replacement for Ventress, she and her kin seize the opportunity to exact revenge. Ventress visits the far side of Dathomir and the males of the planet seeking the most brutal and powerful warrior among them. Through their witchcraft, the Nightsisters transform Savage Opress into a monstrous killer designed to turn on his new master.
Anakin and Obi-Wan, sent to track down the mysterious figure behind the deaths of several Jedi, soon find themselves on the trail of the monstrous apprentice that Ventress has created: Savage Opress. However, Dooku and Ventress also discover that this new apprentice has a will of his own....